1 Name and domicile

An association as defined by Art. 60 ff. ZGB has been established under the name "DataCross". Its registered office is in Geneva. The association shall be independent in terms of politics and religion.

2 Objective and purpose

The association’s charitable purpose is to facilitate and provide data science processes to non-governmental organisations, non-profit organisations, and other charitable or philanthropic organisations (collectively "charitable organisations"), with the goal of increasing the impact of charitable organisations by helping them make effective use of the data they have. We recognise that many charitable organisations cannot afford the high costs of data science work, and therefore we have the goal of providing services to charitable organisations at minimal cost.

The association assists charitable organisations to define data science projects; builds and manages teams of data scientists to work on those projects for the charitable organisations; manages the data science projects to ensure successful implementation; and provides follow-up and maintenance services to ensure the data science projects are impactful for the charitable organisations.

The association seeks donor and public funds to pay for administrative costs and data science services, to minimise or eliminate the cost of data science services to the charitable organisations.

The association connects a community of data scientists who would like to apply their knowledge by working with charitable organisations. We manage and host events for our community for networking, education, and data science work. We facilitate connections between our community, our partner charitable organisations, and our partner donors. We also initiate dialogues on the value and benefits of data and data analysis for non-profit organisations and civil society more generally.

The association does not pursue any commercial purposes and is not for profit. Its governing bodies perform their function on a voluntary basis.

3 Resources

The association shall draw on the following resources to pursue its purpose:

The membership contributions shall be determined once a year by the general meeting. Honorary members and members of the board of directors shall be exempt from contribution payments.

The financial year is consistent with the calendar year.

4 Membership

Members with voting rights shall consist of natural persons or legal entities who support the association’s purpose and who support the association in nonmaterial or financial ways.

Upon proposal of the board of directors, individuals who have rendered outstanding services to the association may be awarded honorary membership by the general meeting.